This hands-on workshop will provide the basics of the Spack flexible Linux based software package manager including: installing Spack, installing packages, deploying software stacks within Cloud / HPC facilities as well automated build scripts. Then using Spack we will introduce users to Apptainer to understand the usability of containers on HPC resources. We will provide a detailed background on Linux containers, along with introductory hands-on experience building a container image, sharing the container and running it on a HPC / Cloud resource.

More Information:
Date: April 2, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Location: Port Alberni Room, Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre
Lunch and snacks will be provided for this workshop.


  • Participants will need to have a laptop with power cords.
  • Participants should have beginner Linux Bash / CLI command line experience.
Summit Speaker

Ken Bigelow

Systems Administrator, UBC

Ken Bigelow is a Systems Administrator with the Advanced Research Computing group at UBC. Ken has over 20 years of experience as a systems administrator, with the last 18 years with the Department of Medicine at UBC. Ken has a particular interest in high-performance computing and has seen the evolution from cluster CPU computing to highly specialized GPUs for machine learning and image processing. Ken is also on the national cloud team working with the Arbutus Cloud - Digital Research Alliance of Canada. Ken's most recent obsession in the HPC world is using Slack to create creative apptainer containers for specialized HPC needs.

Summit Speaker

Jacob Boschee

Systems Administrator II , UBC

Jacob Boschee is a Systems Administrator with the Advanced Research Computing group at UBC. He began his background in systems administration at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology where he maintained the research cluster on campus while completing his PhD in Physics. Jacob works closely with researchers on developing solutions using containers to make software environments on HPC systems.

Technology Track

Session Format
Full Day