In the dynamic landscape of higher education, retaining talented staff is a challenge that institutions continually face. The key to overcoming this challenge, lies in understanding the factors that motivate and inspire our staff. This session seeks to address the topic of talent retention by revealing the various facets of staff motivation within the higher education context. With a panel consisting of four veterans of higher education who have been in the industry for 10+ years, they are more than qualified to speak to what has kept them in the field. By understanding the key drivers that keep our staff engaged, satisfied, and committed, institutions can develop effective strategies to foster a culture of excellence and retain their most valuable assets.


Dave Kubert

Dave Kubert

Director, Information Security, University of Price Edward Island

Dave spent his career in academia working in Unix systems administration, network engineering, and software development before finally surrendering the last vestiges of his soul and moving into information security. Dave’s professional interests include redefining the role of information security in organizational structures, risk governance, walking a fine line, and being in over his head.

Devon Keys

Devon Keys

Manager, Shared Technology Solutions, BCNET

Devon manages the diverse portfolio of shared IT solutions that are offered by BCNET’s Shared Systems and Technology team. Working collaboratively with our member community, she acts as a liaison between BCNET’s members and service providers in developing and implementing shared services and technology solutions at their institutions. With a career thus far dedicated to higher education IT, she is well versed in the needs of the post-secondary sector.

Summit Speaker

Bryan Wilkinson

Manager, Client Technology, University of the Fraser Valley

Bryan is the Manager of Client Technology at the University of the Fraser Valley. The beginning of his higher ed journey came on the heels of Y2K, with Bryan supporting and driving adoption of LMS at UFV. Highlights of his 24 years at UFV consist of standardizing end-point management and the move of Audio Visual Services underneath IT Services. Recent and significant undertakings has focused around planning & integration of classroom technology at UFV.

Summit Speaker

Tanya Grier

Manager, IT Service Delivery, Camosun College

With more than two decades at Camosun College, my journey began as the one and only help desk technician, using only pen and paper to log tickets. Taking ownership of various aspects of the service desk, I continued to increase my responsibilities and transitioned from Help Desk Technician, to Supervisor, to Project Manager and now IT Service Delivery Manager. Utilizing my knowledge and experience in service management, I thrive on orchestrating seamless IT solutions and driving operational excellence.

Summit Speaker

Nishan Perera Ph.D.

Director, Learning Technologies & Education Development, Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Nishan is responsible for leading a team of Teaching and Learning Strategists and Educational Developers to support faculty in their pursuit of teaching excellence through the development of resources, delivery of training and provision of individual faculty consultation on all topics related to course design and delivery. He partners to support learning technology infrastructure and participates in University wide communities to provide teaching and learning expertise.

Nishan holds a doctorate in educational technology and learning design from SFU and brings experience in teaching, curriculum development, academic administration, training, entrepreneurial and marketing management. He loves to use technology for teaching and has a deep appreciation in integrating technology with pedagogy to enhance teaching and learning.

Technology Track

Session Format
Multi-campus Viewpoint Panel Discussion (45 mins)