The loss of talent—whether due to planned retirements, sudden staff departures, or ongoing turnover—presents significant challenges that require thoughtful planning, adaptability, and proactive strategies. This multi-campus panel will share their lessons learned and the strategies they deploy to minimize disruptions, ensure continuity, and maintain stability amidst turnover.

Discussions will cover the importance of knowledge transfer, mentorship, cross-training, and more. Though we may not be able to completely prevent staff loss, session attendees will have the opportunity to learn about how others have managed this common struggle.

Devon Keys

Devon Keys

Manager, Shared Technology Solutions, BCNET

Devon manages the diverse portfolio of shared IT solutions that are offered by BCNET’s Shared Systems and Technology team. Working collaboratively with our member community, she acts as a liaison between BCNET’s members and service providers in developing and implementing shared services and technology solutions at their institutions. With a career thus far dedicated to higher education IT, she is well versed in the needs of the post-secondary sector.

Dave Lampron

Dave Lampron

CIO, Vancouver Island University

Dave is the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at Vancouver Island University. He's worked in academia for over 25 years. Dave is a student of empathetic leadership. He strives to create the organizational conditions that allow for an 'Idea Meritocracy' culture. An Idea Meritocracy is designed to produce the best possible decision under the circumstances by enabling the best thinking by all team members. Dave also has a passion for assisting rural and remote communities in augmenting access to essential services.

Reza Khakbaznejad, 2024 Summit Speaker

Reza Khakbaznejad

Chief Information Officer, Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Reza Khakbaznejad is the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, where he has been a driving force in the institution's technological evolution since 2018. Reza's experience in IT leadership spans both private and public sectors. Prior to joining KPU Reza spent 8 years at Canadian Tourism Commission and 14 years at the Coca Cola Company.

Ivor MacKay

Ivor MacKay

Director, Cybersecurity Services, BCNET

Ivor is responsible for fulfilling and planning the future of BCNET's internal IT needs. He facilitates cybersecurity collaboration and future service direction through the BCNET Cybersecurity and Identity Management Services Committee. Ivor has 29 years of experience in management and 22 years as an IT professional. He began his IT career working at the world track and field games in Edmonton, where he led the rolling out and support of desktops and servers for the games. Following his work at the games, he worked in IT for CBC in Edmonton for 10 years. He moved from Edmonton to join Coast Mountain College (formerly known as Northwest Community College) as the director of IT. 

David Burkholder

David Burkholder

Associate Director, Technology Services, Thompson Rivers University

David oversees the networking and telephony services group at TRU. He started at TRU (then UCC) in 1989, as a technician supporting networking and telephony systems. Over the last 34 years, various higher paid individuals, recognized/decided that he had the skills/aptitude/competence (what were they thinking?), to manage and support these functions. He's honoured to know he's contributing to the support of staff, faculty and most importantly contributing to the learning and teaching of students. David enjoys hiking/walking, biking and IT support for friends and family. He really enjoys working on vehicles for a ministry in Central America (and at home).

Technology Track