As an IT leader, do you feel like you're too busy putting out fires to address larger business problems? Do your teams struggle to understand your institution's strategic goals or what their role is in helping to realize those goals? Do your business partners wait until the last minute to engage with you on a solution? If so, you may be suffering from low business relationship maturity.

In this session, we'll introduce you to the Business Relationship Maturity Model and show you how you can apply this model to build trust and strengthen partnerships across your institution. Learn how to build your team's business relationship management capability to create measurable value for your organization.


Eryn Holbrook

Business Relationship Manager, Simon Fraser University

As an IT Business Relationship Manager at Simon Fraser University, Eryn focuses on strategic initiatives that help to transform the digital experience of SFU's students and instructors. She works closely with her business partners to understand their IT needs, build systems strategies, and drive innovation. 

Kirk Benedict

Kirk Benedict

Business Relationship Manager, Simon Fraser University

Kirk is a dedicated IT Business Relationship Manager for the administrative side of Simon Fraser University. By fostering strong relationships between the IT department and key stakeholders, Kirk ensures that IT initiatives are closely aligned with the university's goals. This alignment drives value and the delivery of impactful IT solutions, ultimately supporting the university's mission.  

Technology Track