In today's world, the global cyber talent shortage is a pressing issue we can't ignore. Within higher-ed institutions, attracting and retaining IT cyber talent goes beyond just offering competitive compensation and benefits. If these institutions can't compete on salaries, the focus needs to shift to employee well-being and other perks. With housing affordability and commute times becoming increasingly challenging in several BC markets, prospective and current employees are seeking more flexibility in remote work options than ever before.

Join Zoe Armer (UBC) and Charles Boname (Langara College) as they explore innovative approaches to these resourcing challenges and discuss how we can continue to advocate for workplace flexibility while making sure that staff feel valued, engaged, and part of a team, even when working remotely.

Summit Speaker

Charles Boname

Associate Director, Cybersecurity, Langara College

Charles Boname is a seasoned IT professional with + 25 years’ experience in the field, mostly with non-profit organizations committed to social justice (legal aid/public legal research and the community foundations sectors). Charles saw his IT focus area gradually shift over the past 5 years toward cybersecurity defense. Joining Langara College two years ago as their Associate Directory, Cybersecurity, he thrives on the positive and collaborative spirit of the higher education space.  A professional musician in a previous life, Charles augmented his BA and net admin technical credentials with an MBA and brings a disciplined yet creative voice to the table in leading change, communicating technology and achieving organizational security improvements.


Summit Speaker

Zoe Armer

Program Manager - Cybersecurity, University of British Columbia

Zoë Armer is the Program Manager, Cybersecurity, at UBC. With IT experience going back more years than she cares to admit, Zoë has been with UBC since 2012 and in Cybersecurity since 2016.

Zoë’s portfolio covers all the “non-tech” side of Cybersecurity, including Program, Project, Portfolio Management for all Cybersecurity Projects at UBC, along with Cybersecurity Communications & Engagement. Zoë believes passionately in the people side of cybersecurity, making sure that technology projects are understood and implemented so that people understand the WHY. Shifting the culture at UBC to one where cybersecurity hygiene and good practice comes naturally and is seen as everyone’s responsibility is also a primary focus.

Technology Track