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Reza Khakbaznejad, 2024 Summit Speaker

Reza Khakbaznejad

Chief Information Officer, Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Reza Khakbaznejad is the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, where he has been a driving force in the institution's technological evolution since 2018. Reza's experience in IT leadership spans both private and public sectors. Prior to joining KPU Reza spent 8 years at Canadian Tourism Commission and 14 years at the Coca Cola Company.

Stephen Lamb

Stephen Lamb

Deputy Chief Information Officer, UBC

As Deputy CIO at the University of British Columbia, Stephen supports the CIO in providing executive strategic technology leadership that supports and enables teaching, learning, research, and the business operations of the university. Stephen's focus is the evolution and growth of how the organization governs, manages and delivers a broad range of IT services across UBC. He oversees governance and investment planning processes, portfolio management, IT-related risk management, strategic workforce planning, service management, and is accountable for the delivery of core technology services.

Wency Lum Headshot

Wency Lum

Associate Vice-President University Systems & Chief Information Officer, University of Victoria

Wency Lum is the Associate Vice-President University Systems and Chief Information Officer (CIO) at the University of Victoria (UVic) and is responsible for the institution’s Information Technology (IT) strategy, policy, governance, and projects to enable UVic’s academic, research and administrative functions. Wency has held several IT leadership positions within the Government of British Columbia. Her previous roles include leadership of complex technology projects, business transformation, and information security across multiple sectors and organizations, including government, private sector, and the United Nations. She holds a Bachelor of Science from McGill University and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Victoria. Wency serves on multiple boards including the Canadian University Council of CIOs and has been a BCNET board member since 2016.

Michael Lam

Michael Lam

AVP Technology and CIO, Douglas College

Michael Lam, Associate Vice President, Technology & CIO at Douglas College, oversees the College’s digital ecosystem, including IT operations, applications, academic technology, and information security services. He is passionate about people, technology, and building great teams. Previously, he was Director of IT at the Crisis Centre of BC, developing life-saving technology for suicide prevention. Michael holds a BA in Psychology from UBC, a Human Resources Management Diploma from BCIT, a Networking Technology Certificate from VCC, and various IT certifications, and is completing an MBA.

Technology Track