Leaders face seemingly unwavering disruptions spanning the arenas of geopolitical, financial, technological, and skilled talent misalignment, among many others. Technology leaders in higher education face an additional challenge of navigating the muddy cultural waters separating the organizations they empower and the external technology partners they rely on.

This interactive discussion will tackle topics related to leading and creating innovation in the face of disruption, including the strategic role of technology and technology leaders, getting the attention of executives, building resilience as a leader, leading through challenges, and shaping the future of higher education.

Neil Fassina

Neil Fassina

President, Okanagan College,

Dr. Neil Fassina became Okanagan College's President in April 2021, drawn to the institution for its reputation for transforming lives and communities.

Fassina holds a PhD in Management from the Rotman School of Business at the University of Toronto, a BSc in Psychology from the University of Calgary and is a chartered professional in human resources (CPHR), and a chartered director through the Institute of Chartered Directors (ICD.D). As an active researcher, he has authored or co-authored a number of refereed articles, a Canadian Human Resource Management text, and pursues research interests in negotiations, applied decision making, and the role of education in shaping societies.

Prior to joining OC, Fassina was the President of Athabasca University (2016-21). He served previously as Provost and Vice President Academic at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) and the Dean of the JR Shaw School of Business and School of Hospitality and Culinary Arts. He has taught as part of his academic career at the University of Toronto, the University of Calgary, the University of Manitoba, and in executive environments.

Technology Track