The Problem: 

  • Audience is not opening their emails and missing out on important announcements, possibly mistaking the emails as spam / unimportant / not applicable. 
  • It's not possible for the reporter / manager to reach out and have a 1-1 with each intended recipient as there are hundreds of people to reach. 

The Solution/Objective:  

  • Revise e-communications so that they have a better chance of being read by the target audience. Examples: work with branding to enhance the visual appeal; frequently explore various options for e-communication (social media) to ensure we're using the right communication channels
  • Establish a holistic process whereby we're not completely dependent on email. For example, initially there should be scheduled meetings to announce the change to a broad audience, and then follow ups after the announcement has been sent out.  Example: API upgrades, planned outages, etc - identify what type of e-communications to use, their frequency, and what type of engagement must be paired up with the communications - management meetings, performance tracking, 1-1’s as required.
Summit Speaker

Zahra Tudor

IT Senior Manager, University of British Columbia

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Technology Track

Session Format
Speaker Presentation (45 minutes)