“Embark on a captivating journey as KPU shares the epic tale of our 'one small step for IT team, one giant leap for KPU' into the vast expanse of the public cloud. After over a year of meticulous planning, our expedition into AWS began last fall, with 40% of our on-prem workloads planned to be migrated and most of our main technology stack (VMWare, Palo Alto, IPAM, NetApp) extended to the cloud platform, we have a story of unparallel magnitude to share with you all.

In this immersive presentation we will unveil some of the challenges we encountered, mistakes we made and how we navigated through one too many unknowns. Catered to technical proficiency across the spectrum, join us as we walk you through our treacherous path to success from procurement to technology to people to processors.”


Summit Speaker

Ishan De Silva

Manager, Network Operations, Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Ishan has been in the IT infrastructure, Platform services and operations domain for over 15 years across multiple industries encompassing private, public and crown organizations. Having held many roles during his career at present he leads KPUs IT infrastructure and IAM support team. Ishan is a true champion of digital transformation and workplace modernization. He believes in promoting an environment of continuous learning and growth to ensure organizational resilience and innovation.

Summit Speaker

Ken Yip

Director, Technology Services, Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Reza Khakbaznejad, 2024 Summit Speaker

Reza Khakbaznejad

Chief Information Officer, Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Reza Khakbaznejad is the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, where he has been a driving force in the institution's technological evolution since 2018. Reza's experience in IT leadership spans both private and public sectors. Prior to joining KPU Reza spent 8 years at Canadian Tourism Commission and 14 years at the Coca Cola Company.

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Technology Track

Session Format
Speaker Presentation (45 minutes)