In previous BCNET CONNECT sessions, Compugen has delved into important topics like “Taking Back the Cyber Advantage” and “How IoT in Education has Increased the Cyberattack Vector.”

This year, we are continuing this crucial conversation by homing in on the significance of reporting metrics to your Board. These metrics, which stem from the tools and staff you already have in place, are essential for advancing your security posture. However, the question remains: Are these metrics effectively conveying the message needed to bolster your ongoing cybersecurity efforts?

Institutional Challenges:

Compugen's goal is to lead a discussion on translating technical metrics into the language of Risk Management for your Stakeholders. We aim to underscore the importance of key data and how it can capture Stakeholders' attention, thereby helping you more effectively address Cyber Threats and Vulnerabilities. Whether your institution is seeking funding or authorization for tools like XDR, email protection, endpoint lifecycle management, or addressing shadow IT, this session promises to offer valuable insights.

By asking the right questions, we can reveal the true value of your data and ensure that your Stakeholders understand the necessity of these solutions. This session is crafted to assist you in securing the essential support to enhance your cybersecurity measures, irrespective of your institution's size or specific needs.

Ken Dohan

Ken Dohan

Solutions Specialist - Cyber, Compugen

Ken Dohan leads the Operational Technology (OT) and Internet of Things (IoT) cybersecurity practice at Compugen, a national provider of technology services and solutions. With nearly 30 years of experience in enterprise asset management, infrastructure performance management, and cybersecurity, Ken has developed a deep expertise in securing critical systems across industries. Ken brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience in developing strategies, frameworks, and solutions that safeguard industrial and IoT environments against evolving cyber risks. His insights help businesses protect assets, ensure operational resilience, and navigate the complex cybersecurity landscape.

Technology Track