With stricter budgets on the horizon, many organizations are looking for ways to cut costs while still operating as normal. In an era where doing more with less is not just a mantra but a necessity, this session takes a hard look at Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) options for cybersecurity. Are these tools truly the cost-effective alternatives they’re made out to be, or do hidden challenges lurk beneath the surface?

In this interactive discussion, we will:

  • Examine the real costs of these tools
  • Evaluate their tradeoffs
  • Explore practical use cases
  • Open a dialogue on how the community feels about going in this direction

Whether you’re considering a switch to FOSS or simply curious about its potential, this discussion will provide the insights needed to make an informed decision.

Summit Speaker

Taylar Masson

Senior Information Security Analyst, Thompson Rivers University

Taylar is the Senior Information Security Analyst at Thompson Rivers University. He has always had an interest in finding how to fix and protect things, usually by breaking them first. Though Blue Team work makes up the majority of his job, he has a strong interest in Red Team activities, and now holds CEH certification to show for it.

He is always happy to share what he has learned, and is always wanting to keep up with the latest technology.

Technology Track