Larry Carson
Deputy Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and, Associate Director, Information Security Management, University of British Columbia

Dave Kubert
Director, Information Security, University of Price Edward Island
Dave spent his career in academia working in Unix systems administration, network engineering, and software development before finally surrendering the last vestiges of his soul and moving into information security. Dave’s professional interests include redefining the role of information security in organizational structures, risk governance, walking a fine line, and being in over his head.

Maleena Singh
Director of Cyber Security, British Columbia Institute of Technology

Robert Ball
Director Information Security, Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Zoe Armer
Program Manager - Cybersecurity, University of British Columbia
Zoë Armer is the Program Manager, Cybersecurity, at UBC. With IT experience going back more years than she cares to admit, Zoë has been with UBC since 2012 and in Cybersecurity since 2016.
Zoë’s portfolio covers all the “non-tech” side of Cybersecurity, including Program, Project, Portfolio Management for all Cybersecurity Projects at UBC, along with Cybersecurity Communications & Engagement. Zoë believes passionately in the people side of cybersecurity, making sure that technology projects are understood and implemented so that people understand the WHY. Shifting the culture at UBC to one where cybersecurity hygiene and good practice comes naturally and is seen as everyone’s responsibility is also a primary focus.