Join us for a discussion, moderated by Don Thompson, with three of Canada’s top security administrators. We’ll discuss the effectiveness of the various organizational governance models and the changing status of Cybersecurity; the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of AI; and what are the top concerns of a CISO in the coming year?


CURTIS BLAIS Summit 2023

Curtis Blais

Shared Chief Information Security Officer, Cybera

Mr. Blais is a multi-discipline certified IT professional, cleared to Secret with over 30 years of experience in the IT industry.  His career spans numerous disciplines in IT including application development; design, build and operations of internetworking environments; design, construction/maintenance of information security architectures; governance, risk, and compliance consulting; enterprise risk management; and strategic security leadership as a shared Chief Information Security Officer. Mr. Blais has provided services to every level of government and held numerous positions in the private sector including Board of Director appointments for privately held corporations and a non-profit.  In conjunction with his multiple certifications in networking, security and risk, Mr. Blais holds a masters degree in leadership and organizational change from Royal Roads University; is the author/creator of a Risk-based Information Security Model; completed Harvard’s Cyber Risk Management program at the top of his cohort; was the principle author of the National Cybersecurity Assessment Report on the state of cybersecurity in higher learning in Canada; and is currently working on a manuscript for a book detailing a simple mechanism to formalize Information Security programs.

Dave Kubert

Dave Kubert

Director, Information Security, University of Price Edward Island

Dave spent his career in academia working in Unix systems administration, network engineering, and software development before finally surrendering the last vestiges of his soul and moving into information security. Dave’s professional interests include redefining the role of information security in organizational structures, risk governance, walking a fine line, and being in over his head.

Summit Speaker

Don Thompson

Chief Information Security Officer, University of British Columbia

Don has been involved with post-secondary institutions for more than 30 years, as a student, researcher, instructor and administrator. He has been UBC’s Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) since 2017. As CISO, Don manages a team of cybersecurity experts to ensure UBC is well-positioned to defend against an evolving threat landscape, lower the risk of significant data or financial loss, and establish UBC as a leader in these areas for post-secondary.

Sunny Jassal

Sunny Jassal

Chief Information Security Officer, BCIT

Sunny is a transformational leader accomplished at developing and executing business strategy with a mission to enable and secure digital transformation. He is an enthusiastic technologist and trusted executive leader striving to deliver innovative technology solutions with strong credibility across business and technology groups. Sunny brings over two decades of progressive on-the-ground technology and cyber risk experience leading highly technical teams across various sectors. As a CISO, Sunny collaborates with executives and boards as a strategic technology and risk advisor. He has special interests in Cybersecurity and Corporate Governance and leads by the principle of ‘security by design’. He holds a B.Tech in Technology Management from BCIT along with top industry certifications like, Certified Chief Information Security Officer (CCISO), Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer (CDPSE) and Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP).

Session Recording

Technology Track

Session Format
Session Location
Grand Ballroom