As early adopters, NREN partners like CANARIE have, and continue to invest considerably in evaluating and evolving technologies to deliver enhanced federated identity solutions. Commercial cloud dominated environments force vendors like Microsoft to radically reinvent themselves to stay competitive but not necessarily aligned with our guiding principles. This gap is acutely felt in identity related offerings — a key area that R&E federations require.
CANARIE and the Swedish federation SWAMID have been working together on ways to bridge this gap in a sustainable fashion. By capitalizing on ADFS' presence we augment its functionality and expand the circle of trust for R&E by adding native Windows tools and practices resulting in the ADFS Toolkit.
This presentation will provide a walk-through of the ADFS Toolkit showing how it significantly lowers the barrier to participate and share our experiences operating in production as well as experience taking it to the AzureAD ecosystem.
Note: There will be no slides provided for this session.
Chris Phillips
Technical Architect, CANARIE Inc.