Larry Carson
Deputy Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and, Associate Director, Information Security Management, University of British Columbia

Matthew Ellis
Manager, Cybersecurity Incident Response, University of British Columbia
Do you have any areas at your institution that are "more" secure than others? Maybe even a "High Security" lab or other facility? What would you do if you received a call about an impending deployment of ransomware in that facility? Would you believe it? Could it be true? The security is supposed to be so High that it shouldn't happen. Come to this session and find out what did happen at UBC and how we responded to it and what we learned along the way. Take away key lessons from this session that you can apply at your own institution immediately. If you enjoyed our "APT came for a visit" session last year, then you'll be right at home attending this one. Please Note: this session is TLP:AMBER
Deputy Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and, Associate Director, Information Security Management, University of British Columbia
Manager, Cybersecurity Incident Response, University of British Columbia