
BCNET Advanced Network services have four principles that covers its use:




Non-Competition BCNET does not compete with the private sector by offering network services to organizations outside of its higher education and research member community. BCNET may have lower-cost Internet rates, but will only make these rates available to its members, and not to the general public.
No Cross Subsidizing BCNET does not offer subsidized service to organizations outside of its research and higher education member community. An organization with locations in Prince George and Vancouver is not permitted to use the Advanced Network to connect their locations together.
Member-Focused The BCNET Advanced Network and services are solely for its research and higher education members. BCNET members may obtain cloud computing services and this service is only available to members.
Innovative BCNET fosters innovation in information and communications technology in support of industry competition. An organization with an innovative technology service may either use or attach to BCNET's Advanced Network and facilities to use as a research and development environment. This is time-limited and must undergo a thorough review before being accepted. The organization's services would be made available to the general BCNET community.


The AUP applies only to BCNET Advanced Network traffic that travels between BCNET's Transit Exchange hubs that are located in five cities across B.C. Any network traffic that travels on last-mile, or local-access links to the BCNET Transit Exchange are not restricted by the AUP.

Membership and BCNET Advanced Network Access

  • Membership is limited to organizations with a research and education mandate, which is outlined in BCNET's constitution and by-laws (member login required).
  • Membership is by invitation only and must be approved by existing members.
  • Any company, organization or agency can take part in BCNET by becoming an affiliate or partner, but this designation does not denote membership. Affiliates receive a limited set of services from BCNET, as per the restrictions outlined below.
  • Full use of the BCNET network and facilities is granted to BCNET members. All member traffic that destined for other BCNET members, approved information service providers, and interconnected research and education networks is allowed. This is in keeping with the Member-Focus principle described above.
  • Affiliates can apply for and receive restricted and time-limited access to BCNET's Advanced Network.

Members: Connecting Networks at the BCNET Transit Exchange

  • The Advanced Network connects members to BCNET Transit Exchanges (TX) in five metropolitan areas in B.C.: Vancouver, Victoria, Kamloops, Kelowna, Prince George. The Advanced Network links TXs together, and links to CANARIE, Canada's Advanced Research and Innovation Network, which, in turn, links to 11 provincial advanced network partners and to 112 networks in over 80 countries. All network traffic at the TX that is bound for local, provincial, national and international advanced networks is restricted to BCNET members.
  • TXs are designed as peering points, allowing BCNET members to directly connect to their regional community. BCNET members connect to TXs to get access to the Advanced Network and network service providers.
  • All members that require Advanced Network service must acquire a network connection to a BCNET Transit Exchange in their region.
  • Network access from an institution site to the regional Transit Exchange may be provided by BCNET. AUP restrictions do not apply to a member's local network access to the TX.

Affiliates: Connecting Networks at the BCNET Transit Exchange

Affiliates can connect to the Transit Exchange (TX) to buy or sell network services and peer with the regional community. Access to the Advanced Network is restricted to members, unless Affiliates have approval from BCNET.

The diagram illustrates the role of the TX and how it operates. The TX allows BCNET members access to all services, but restricts access to affiliates. Affiliates may obtain transit service from a provider at a TX, and may also peer with members. Affiliates do not have access to the Advanced Network, including peered networks and information service providers that may be connected to the Advanced Network.

BCNET may provide its members with local network access to the nearest transit exchange. All types of traffic are permitted on this local access to the nearest transit exchange.

Restrictions for Members & Affiliates

  • Networks that connect member sites to local Transit Exchanges are restricted for member use only.
  • Members and all of their related organizations (including private companies located on member property) may use local network connections to the Transit Exchange. Network use by external, non-co-located private companies are strictly prohibited.
  • Member sites are prohibited from providing interconnection hubs for private companies not located directly on a member campus.
  • All members and affiliates that connect to BCNET through a municipal Transit Exchange must obtain commercial Internet service at that exchange or through a separate connection to a provider.
  • BCNET will maintain routing policies that segregates traffic destined for the commercial Internet from the BCNET Advanced Network at the Transit Exchange. Recognition of the immaturity of routing technologies may not always be possible to rigidly enforce traffic segregation.
  • Affiliates must acquire a network link from their organization's site to connect at the municipal Transit Exchange; BCNET does not acquire network service for affiliates.

Member Access to Other Networks Via BCNET's Network

  • Access to the commodity Internet for members and affiliates is not permitted over the Advanced Network.
  • Access to designated peered networks, as well as content and information service providers is permitted over the Advanced Network provided that use is expressly for member institutions to fulfill their research and education mandate.

Access to CANARIE and International Advanced Network

All organizations that require access to CANARIE, Canada's national advanced network, and other international networks must comply with their respective acceptable use policies.


BCNET management is responsible for restricting access to and use of the BCNET Advanced Network, and its access to peered networks and other information service provider. These restrictions are in accordance with the requirements specified herein and as stipulated by BCNET in consultation with the BCNET Executive Committee and on behalf of the BCNET Board of Directors.

The BCNET Board of Directors has the right to refuse any connections approved by BCNET management. The Board will periodically review the activities and traffic of connected organizations and may request written reports in order to:

  • Ensure alignment with the purposes and intent of this AUP
  • Ensure alignment with the CANARIE AUP

The BCNET Board of Directors will periodically review all allowed peered networks and information service providers carried over the Advanced Network. The Board may direct BCNET to cease network access to peering networks and information Service Providers if they deem there is violation of principles and conditions of use.

All contracts issued by BCNET to members and affiliates will have provisions that require adherence to this AUP. Contracts entered into by BCNET with peered networks and information service providers must also reference this policy. This means that upon review by the BCNET board, such contracts could be terminated.

Appendix A - Services Allowed by Member and Affiliates

This table outlines the type of BCNET Advanced Network service that is allowed by BCNET members and affiliates class. For each combination, access permission and payment provisions are described.

BCNET Class Members Non-Member Affiliates Information Service Providers and Peering Internet Service Providers (Affiliates)
Metro-area Networks Provided by BCNET, paid for by member fees to BCNET. Each affiliate provides own access into TXs. Not provided by BCNET. Each provider provides own access into TXs. Not provided by BCNET. Each provider provides own access into TXs. Not provided by BCNET.
No traffic restrictions apply. Traffic policies solely determined by each member or affiliate.
Use of Transit Exchanges (TXs) Permitted, paid for by member fees to BCNET. Permitted, paid for by affiliate fees to BCNET or TX operator. Permitted, paid for by provider fees to BCNET or TX operator. Permitted, paid for by provider fees to BCNET or TX operator.
No traffic restrictions apply. Peering and traffic exchange encouraged. Traffic policies solely determined by each member or affiliate.
Inter-TX ORAN circuit use Permitted, paid for by member fees and other government funding (province, CANARIE). No access permitted, unless under terms of approved project. Access permitted only to serve members upon review by BCNET management and board. No access permitted.
Available to all BCNET members. Access not permitted by all other affiliates unless approved by BCNET.
CANARIE Access Permitted, paid for by member fees and CANARIE. No access permitted, unless under terms of approved project. Access permitted upon review by CANARIE. No access permitted.
Internet Transit Provided by BCNET via one or more TX Internet Service Providers, paid for by member fees to BCNET. Provided by one or more TX Internet Service Providers, fees paid directly to provider by affiliate. Can negotiate independent peering/transit arrangements with other providers. Can negotiate independent peering/transit arrangements with other providers.

Appendix B - Grandfathered Clients

BCNET has a few existing clients (network affiliates) who obtain Internet transit service, including, in some cases, local loops to the main POP at Harbour Centre. BCNET will continue to provide service to these affiliates as long as warranted under a grandfather arrangement, but will endeavour to move them to independent Internet service providers (other than BCNET) at the transit exchanges. BCNET will not provide full Internet transit service to new affiliates, but will continue to do so for any full society members or approved research and education affiliates (new or existing).