This session will provide an overview of the Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR)––a national platform for digital research data management and federated discovery of Canadian research data, developed through a partnership between the Compute Canada Federation and the Canadian Association of Research Libraries' Portage Network. Aimed at IT, research, and higher education professionals, this session will provide practical information about when to recommend FRDR to researchers, how to use FRDR, and FRDR’s storage and preservation capabilities. We will also take a look at the role of FRDR within Canada’s changing digital infrastructure landscape.

Kelly Stathis
Discovery & Metadata Coordinator | Portage Network
Kelly Stathis is the discovery & metadata coordinator for the Canadian Association of Research Libraries' Portage Network. At Portage, Kelly leads discovery and metadata initiatives for the Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR). In this role, Kelly develops FRDR's search and discovery functionality and supports metadata best practices for data deposited in FRDR. They currently serve as chair of the FRDR Discovery Service Working Group, which works to add new Canadian repository sources to FRDR. Kelly holds a BS in Computer Science and a BMus in Music Composition from Washington University in St. Louis, and a MLIS from the University of British Columbia.

Erin Clary
Curation Coordinator | CARL Portage
Erin Clary is the curation coordinator for the Canadian Association of Research Libraries' Portage Network. She reviews new dataset deposits for the Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR), and as a member of Portage’s Curation Expert Group, she is engaged in developing resources to support a national curation community of practice. She was previously a curator with Dryad Digital Repository, and has curated data for the Data Curation Network. Erin studied Biology, and holds an MS in Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Lee Wilson
Service Manager | Portage Network
Lee Wilson is the service manager for Portage, a national, library-based network that builds capacity and coordinates Research Data Management (RDM) activities in Canada. He is on secondment from ACENET, where he works as a Research Consultant specializing in RDM. Through this role, Lee manages RDM service delivery across Canada both directly and through partnerships with other organizations, including national advanced research computing providers. He also oversees the operations of the Federated Research Data Repository, an access and discovery portal for Canadian research data. Prior to taking on this position, Lee worked with the Marine Environmental Observation Prediction and Response (MEOPAR) network’s Data Management team, solving issues related to the storage, discovery, and accessibility of ocean data. Lee holds a Master of Library and Information Studies degree (Dalhousie University) and a BA in English (Mount Allison University).

Beth Knazook
Preservation Coordinator | Portage Network
Beth Knazook is the preservation coordinator for the Portage Network, where she is helping to develop a reservation Pipeline to ensure the long-term preservation of research data in the Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR). She trained as a photographic preservation specialist at Ryerson University/George Eastman Museum, and has worked as the curatorial specialist for Ryerson University Archives & Special Collections, photo archivist for the Stratford Festival and, most recently, digitization project manager for the Huron County Library. She also teaches courses on the care and management of digital image collections for Library Juice Academy.