Storage Equipment - Dell



Key Contacts

Gregg is the primary contact for UBC, SFU, UVic, BCIT, Langara, and Camosun.

Gregg Rushton
Account Executive
Phone: +1 778-233-5700

Greg is the primary contact for all other institutions

Greg Griffiths
District Manager – Western Canada
Phone: +1 204-880-5074

Agreement Details

The agreement expires June 30, 2025

For other inquiries, contact the Procurement Team

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About Dell Storage Agreement

The Dell Storage Agreement offers minimum sector discounts for storage platforms and comprehensive storage-based solutions for cloud computing, hyper converged, backup, security, and big data. Working with Dell, members can reduce their data backup and storage equipment costs, streamline storage equipment through campuses, and purchase equipment as required in accordance with institutional planning. Through the agreement, members can take advantage of expertise to support institutions through technology assessments, planning, road mapping sessions and access to more environmentally efficient products. 



Sector Discounts

Minimum discounts on a wide range of storage, converged infrastructure, data protection, security, and content management solutions


Environmental Sustainability

Committed to supporting members goals to decarbonize their operations by offering members more efficient products as it works toward a sustainable future by reducing emissions, reducing waste, building more efficient products


Advisory Services 

Access to a support team to work with members to plan technology road maps, training, and planning. The agreement offers discounted pricing on four product configurations

Benefits Grid