

Kaltura Offers New Possibilities for Teachers and Learners

Imagine being able to create, upload, manage, publish and deliver high quality content to any device and share instantly with teachers and learners.

Thanks to an innovative, three-way partnership between BCNET, BCcampus and UBC, we are offering Kaltura, a leading video enterprise platform, as a shared service for the sector. Kaltura delivers exciting new opportunities to improve communication and student engagement.

The shared Kaltura service is an affordable, fully hosted, enterprise video platform that offers a robust, stable and scalable environment to create your own CampusTube. The technology helps redefine the learning experience. Learn more about benefits and pricing.

"Kaltura, as a shared service, is an excellent example of the value that a successful collaboration among BCNET, BCcampus and UBC can bring to the post-secondary sector," says Clint Lalonde, manager of Education Technology, BCcampus.

Collaborate to Share Costs and Learning

The development of a shared Kaltura service has a long history of collaboration, beginning in 2013, where BCcampus and UBC explored a Kaltura service offering through a pilot program with several post-secondary institutions.

What transpired was a symbiotic relationship that soon involved BCNET. Our participation began in 2014, when we signed a memorandum of understanding with BCcampus to transition the operation of all production services from BCcampus to BCNET.

Today, we hold the BCNET Kaltura license agreement, while UBC hosts the service in EduCloud and BCcampus supports institutions with expertise and tools to integrate Kaltura into their Learning Management Systems.

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