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Changes to the BCNET Board of Directors

BCNET, a collaborative shared services organization, today announced the appointment of one new Board officer and the election of one new member to its Board of Directors. The new members were appointed on September 22, 2020.

Jennifer Burns, associate vice-president of Information Technology and chief information officer at the University of British Columbia (who has served as a director for five years), is elected as vice-chair of the BCNET Board for a one-year term. Also appointed as a director is Anne Louise Aboud, chief operating officer/deputy director of Operations at TRIUMF, who will serve for a three-year term.

  • Jennifer Burns is actively involved in the leadership of transformational initiatives at the University of British Columbia (UBC), including the wholesale modernization and replacement of the institution’s enterprise HR, finance and student systems. She has represented UBC on the BCNET Board for the past five years, advocating for collaborative and innovative approaches to harnessing the potential and power of information technology for research, teaching, and learning. Jennifer is also a key partner in forecasting and addressing the pressing challenges we face, such as cybersecurity threats.
  • Anne Louise Aboud joined TRIUMF on June 1, 2018, as chief operating officer/deputy director of Operations. Anne has a long career as a senior-operations executive in the industrial, financial services and health care sectors, working for leading organizations such as, LifeLabs, TD Bank, and General Electric. Anne holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical) and a Master of Business Administration, both from McGill University, and a Master of Landscape Architecture from the University of Toronto.


BCNET Thanks Outgoing Board Members

Dr. Jonathan Bagger the director of TRIUMF is departing the BCNET Board after serving as a director for four years and as vice-chair for one year. BCNET is grateful for the insight, dedication and commitment that Jonathan demonstrated during his tenure.


“BCNET appreciates the commitment and contributions of our Board members. I welcome the incoming director, Anne Louise Aboud, and new vice-chair Jennifer Burns, and look forward to working together. I also extend my sincere gratitude to Jonathan Bagger for his contributions to the Board and his service to the BCNET community.”


Chair of the Board of Directors


About the BCNET Board

The BCNET Board of Directors sets the strategic direction of the organization and ensures that BCNET continues to align with the interests of its members. The Board is made up of individuals representing its membership from British Columbia’s post-secondary institutions and research institutes. Directors bring a diversity of skills and experience to the Board.