Adobe recently announced changes to its licensing model where they will no longer support installs deployed with serial numbers for Creative Cloud 2019. The last version to support serialized deployments is Creative Cloud 2018. ETLA members with serialized deployments should not attempt to update to Creative Cloud 2019.
Adobe will soon provide a Shared Device License option. Shared Device Licensing will provide access to Creative Cloud 2019 (CC 2019) on a machine, while allowing a login to provide the user access to their Creative Cloud profile.
In preparation of the changes, this workshop will help you understand that information and explore the questions:
- How will I deploy the new Shared Device Licence?
- How will this affect my current named users?
- What if I have already updated my shared environments?
The workshop will discuss the various changes to Adobe ETLA in the way licenses are calculated and explore the approaches that institutions will need to plan for with respect to technology change and its impact related to your institution. Adobe’s new program will impact your educational environment. The workshop will serve as an opportunity to share information, approaches and tactics as the sector plans for the next round of updates, and help you establish a strategy to use the new model to our advantage. Compugen’s team will lead the workshop and will have subject matter experts present who can answer your questions about both granular licensing details and business strategy.
National Director, Software Solutions, Compugen Inc.
Software Solution Specialist, Compugen Inc.