Microsoft is adjusting its offerings to support organizations moving to the cloud; first with its business offerings and O365, and now with its newest update to its Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES) and the Microsoft 365 Education programs that accompany it. Higher education members have an opportunity now to begin planning for an effective transition to the new model in 2019. Over the past few months there have been several rounds of information that has been disseminated to you, and this workshop will help you understand that information and explore the questions:
- How does the Knowledge Worker licensing model affect my institution?
- How do I prepare my institution for transition to the Knowledge Worker model in 2019?
The workshop will discuss the various changes to Microsoft’s program in the way licenses are calculated, and explore the approaches that institutions will need to plan for with respect to technology change and its impact related to the cloud. Microsoft’s new program will impact your educational environment. The workshop will serve as an opportunity to share information, approaches and tactics as the sector plans for the next round of updates, and help you establish a strategy to use the new model to our advantage. Compugen’s team will lead the workshop, and will have subject matter experts present who can answer your questions about both granular licensing details and business strategy.
Note: There will be no slides provided for this session.
Jason Fris
National Director, Software Solutions, Compugen Inc.
Kevin Mcnab
Microsoft Sales Specialist, Compugen Inc.
Sara Gravesande
Microsoft Licensing Specialist, Compugen Inc.