A panel presentation and discussion examining the gap between the dream and the reality of educational technology systems or installations. Join us in a discussion of the pros and cons of ed tech systems. At BCNET we have an opportunity to speak frankly about what we’re facing as we incorporate new technologies into learning environments. Panelists will offer their story and analysis of a new system - typically a software/hardware combination - that their institution has rolled out. They will discuss the changes and challenges as they journeyed from research, sales pitch from vendor, process of decision-making, installation and roll-out to faculty and students.
Examples from the audience will be welcome, and everyone present encouraged to offer insights and solutions to the challenges we face adopting new technologies.
Note: There will be no slides provided for this session.
Chris McDowell
Educational Technology Specialist, Douglas College
Henry Ng
Project Manager, Learning Application, University of British Columbia
Ivan Petrovic
Development Services Manager, University of Victoria