As front line technologists, how do we foster digital and technical competence at our institutions during this time of rapid change and expansion? The intention of this forum is to provide an opportunity for those who are on the front line to learn from each other by sharing ideas and approaches for meeting the on-going need for user understanding and competency at our colleges and universities. A panel of five representatives from different post-secondary institutions will give an overview of the strategies used for educational support of technology (hardware and software) at their institution. The audience will be invited to participate in a problem-solving discussion where they too share their strategies.
Note: There will be no slides provided for this session.
Carson Au
Acting Manager of Learning Technology, Simon Fraser University
Chris McDowell
Educational Technology Specialist, Douglas College
Jason Boileau
Help Desk Technician, Douglas College
Robyn Schell
Learning Technology Specialist, Simon Fraser University
Tim Kato
Team Lead, Learning Technology Hub, University of British Columbia
Troy Welch
Innovation Developer, Thompson Rivers University