Support for advanced research computing (ARC) varies widely across institutions in BC and takes many different forms. For this panel discussion under the “Leading Collaborative Shared Services” theme, we will bring together leaders from a number of different units and support groups for research computing at SFU, UBC, UBCO, and UVic. The panelists will explore different models of support in institutions across the province, discuss best practices, and share experiences of supporting research computing needs to diverse communities of practitioners and researchers. The discussion will focus primarily on how different units within each institution work collaboratively to address research computing needs across the entire research lifecycle.
Note: There will be no slides provided for this session
Dr. Megan Meredith-Lobay
Scientific Analyst, Digital Humanities and Social Science, University of British Columbia
Wade Klaver
Systems Administrator II, University of British Columbia Okanagan
Ryan Enge
Senior Systems Administrator, University of Victoria
Martin Siegert
Head, Research Computing, Simon Fraser University
Lance Bailey
Systems Coordinator, BC Genome Sciences Centre
Edith Domingue
Client Services Manager, Advanced Research Computing, University of British Columbia