Audio Visual control systems at higher education campuses across North America have been steadily growing in complexity and ubiquity for the last decade. Increased capabilities of AV systems, more sophisticated requirements from educators, and ever evolving pedagogies have resulted in a need for simple intuitive Graphical User Interfaces that are consistent in every teaching and learning space at every location. Until recently, UBC classroom technologies have been installed and programmed solely by outside vendors which created a patchwork of varied control systems and graphical user interfaces. The lack of consistency of GUIs for controlling teaching and learning spaces was most acutely felt by users as they were forced to learn and use very different GUIs from room to room. Recognizing this challenge, the UBC has undertaken development of a new GUI for its community. Come hear the story and best practices in creating a standardized GUI for higher education.


Eugene Lin

AV Systems Programmer, University of British Columbia


Octavian Jurca

Project Manager, University of British Columbia - Point Grey Campus