There are several BCNET working groups and communities of practice focused on projects, information sharing, and collaboration to strengthen BCNET’s and member organizations’ security postures. This meet and greet panel session will include an introduction to the Security Working Group, the Network Security Working Group, and the Identity Management Community of Practice. Attendees will learn about the groups’ operations as well as past and current projects and activities. These groups provide excellent opportunities to get involved in IT security and related activities. There is a strong emphasis on mutual support and growth among members. Projects are generally chosen to be those that will provide benefit to many, if not most member institutions.
Please join us for an interactive lunch-hour session to learn, to ask questions, and to find out how you can benefit from or get involved with these groups.
Note: There will be no slides provided for this session.
Dave Kubert
IT Security Officer, University of Northern British Columbia
Ivor Mackay
Manager, Information Technology, BCNET
Lance Bailey
Systems Coordinator, Genome Sciences Centre