Changing demographics and shifting expectations for the learning environment require universities to examine teaching and learning practices and necessary digital supports. The integration of technology is no longer an option in and faculty are aware they need to be more skilled integrating technology (Dahlstrom & Brooks). Faculty members are pressured to integrate technology without knowing what is out there and how to properly use it.
To understand the issues and challenges in supporting technology in the learning environment, it is necessary to understand the expectations and varying levels of knowledge among faculty members. Without understanding these expectations, we are unable to identify what is missing and assumptions are made about resources, what hardware and software is needed, and necessary faculty development required to facilitate the implementation of technology mediated learning into the classroom. Through this understanding, we can address the faculty technological experiences and pedagogical needs, enhancing the overall system of information technology in higher education. If we do not have faculty development that begins with understanding faculty needs and expectations there potentially could be misalignment of resources leading to frustration and lack of technology integration.
In this presentation, we will outline our recent study including our study methodology, discuss the research findings and share our recommendations. This presentation will include a dialogue with audience members about how Faculty currently use technology and how faculty is being supported in the use of technology at their institutions.
Krista Lussier
RN, BScN, MSN; Senior Lecturer, Thompson Rivers University
Tara Lyster
RN, BScN, MN; Lecturer, Thompson Rivers University