In the summer of 2015 Capilano University IT Services at the request of the Liberal Studies Bachelor of Arts program embarked on a program to provide e-portfolios for all of the students in the program, with the goal of embedding folio thinking into all levels of the degree program for developmental and representational purposes.
We decided to implement the portfolio system using Wordpress Multisite hosted on BCNet Educloud. In this talk we will discuss the real and potential benefits, pitfalls and gotchas to implementing the system on Wordpress multisite, and also about our experiences using BCNet Educloud and integrating Educloud with our own network.
We will discuss the onboarding process for the students and how the uptake has been from the classroom perspective. There is also talk of expanding the program at Capilano University beyond one program, and we will discuss the technical and support challenges that potentially hosting hundreds or even thousands of portfolios will represent, and the steps we will be taking to prepare for this. We will also be talking about integrating Wordpress Multisite with CAS (Centralized Authentication Service) and integrations with other products like Moodle.
Scott Robarts
Web Server Administration, Capilano University
Dr. Aurelea Mahood
Coordinator of Liberal Studies, Capilano University
Trula Fontaine
Web Developer, Capilano University