During the Covid-19 pandemic, post secondary institutions maintained educational programs and research, and were required to respond immediately to on-line delivery to an unprecedented degree. The pandemic highlighted our collective dependence on technology, connectivity and access to programs and services. This dependence presents an opportunity in delivering education to more learners in creative and innovative ways, but also presents real threats in terms of systems and personal information security. Join Ruth Wittenberg, President of the BC Association of Institutes and Universities, as she leads a panel of three Chief Information Officers in the post secondary sector, who will offer their views and experiences in addressing cyber security.

Ruth Wittenberg
President | BC Association of Institutes and Universities
Ruth Wittenberg was appointed President of the BC Association of Institutes + Universities in January 2010. This Association represents a group of public post-secondary institutions that offer a range of post-secondary education, ranging from trades and technical training to masters degrees in specialty areas. The role of the President is to provide counsel to members on strategies and approaches to government to represent members points of view on policy, legislation, or other actions; coordinate research and develop information material to support members views, or as a response to government requests; forecast and evaluate the effects of public policy on members and keep them informed of developments.
Ms. Wittenberg has a BA from the University of Victoria (1979).
Prior to her current position, Ms. Wittenberg was employed by the British Columbia Public Service from 1981 until she assumed the role of the BC Association of Institutes + Universities President. Ms. Wittenberg has held positions in the Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development (Assistant Deputy Minister, Post Secondary Education Division), Ministry of Education (Assistant Deputy Minister, Management Services Division), the Ministry of Human Resources (Assistant Deputy Minister, Financial and Administrative Services), the Ministry of Finance (Chief Information Officer), the Ministry of Transportation (Manager, Financial Systems and Policy), and at Treasury Board Staff (analyst).

Mark Roman
Chief Information Officer | Simon Fraser University
Mark Roman serves as the Chief Information Officer (CIO) for Simon Fraser University and is on the Board of Directors for EDUCAUSE and BCNET. He holds a B.Math (Computer Science) from the University of Waterloo, an MBA (Finance) from Queen’s University, is a Project Management Professional (PMP), and is working towards his CISSP designation.
Growing up at the same time the computer era exploded, Mark is a product of his times. Understanding technology from the ground upwards and from the business case downwards, he has a balanced perspective of the excitement and practicalities of the information age.

Liana Zwick
Director of IT | Selkirk College
Liana has worked at Selkirk College for more than 25 years, most recently as Director of IT Services where she is currently leading the institution’s cloud ERP implementation. Selkirk College has successfully transitioned its HR, Payroll and Finance systems with work continuing on student system implementation. Joining the college's ITS team just prior to COVID-19, she has worked to ensure optimal technical support in the transition to remote teaching, learning and working during the pandemic. Liana’s international and local post-secondary education culminated in an undergraduate degree in General Studies from SFU. She loves the rural, outdoor lifestyle in the West Kootenay.

Roy Hart
Chief Information Officer | British Columbia Institute of Technology
Roy has over 30 years in enterprise IT, digital transformation, and leadership across multiple sectors, including education, health, social services, justice, transportation, and infrastructure.
Roy’s career highlights include leading several business transformation and technology modernization programs, designing a comprehensive cyber security and support programs, numerous technology infrastructure projects, and leading an account team responsible for over $100 million in IT infrastructure projects.
At BCIT, Roy is part of the Senior Executive Team, leading several strategic investments in business technology, a shift to agile solutioning, significant improvements to cyber security, and on-going mission to reduce technology debt.