Relationship management, engagement, success - Ask a room full of administrators what those terms mean to your institution and you're likely to get just as many different answers. One of the major challenges to a successful change initiative happens when we decide the solution before we've fully defined the problem. This session draws on case examples to outline a practical, solution-agnostic approach to strategic CRM planning that defines success in context and ensures the goals are clear from the outset.
Tribal serves universities and colleges in staying stay ahead in a competitive global marketplace by delivering high-quality technology systems that provide robust analytics. Our flagship SITS: Vision solution manages the full student lifecycle, from initial prospect inquiry through to graduation and alumni. It serves as the central point of information on students and their journey. Tribal is a leading global provider of products and services to the international education, training, and learning markets.
Heidi Schreiner
Manager of Business Relationships, Tribal Systems Canada