When Thompson Rivers University offered its first week-long course (re)design workshop (based on Saroyan & Amundsen, 2004), we noted we had been primarily using resources from other institutions. We opted to create resources specific to TRU through a one-day facilitated writing sprint. We believed that the sprint would be sufficient to create a few resources that TRU faculty could use for face-to-face and online course creation and revision. But we were wrong. The project grew from being conceptualized as a few stand-alone documents to being imagined as a large online OER for educational developers, instructional designers, and teaching faculty. Moving beyond offering resources for course design, we decided to create an OER that encompasses three main areas of curriculum design: composition, mapping, and alignment of learning outcomes at the course, program, and institutional levels; choice and alignment of instructional strategies and learning activities; and alignment of outcomes assessment at all levels. While the OER--CRICKET, or Course Resource Kit--is still in progress, we are ready to share it.
In this session, we will share CRICKET, and participants will have an opportunity to explore its features. By the end of the session, participants will be able to · Explore the features of CRICKET; · Assess the value of CRICKET for their own contexts; · Share CRICKET with others from their own institutions, if desired; and · Consider contributing a learning activity, assessment, or grading tool to CRICKET. The session is relevant to the theme of Faculty Engagement and Development. This work is grounded in OER literature (Jhangiani & Biswas-Diener, 2017) and is informed by the work examining educational development (Schroeder, 2012). This presentation will serve to bridge educational development with the emerging field of OER while demonstrating how faculty development professionals can collaborate to create meaningful resources for their campus and beyond.

Brenda Smith
Open Education Librarian | Thompson Rivers University
Brenda Smith (she/her/hers) is the Open Education Librarian at Thompson Rivers University (TRU). Her role focuses on advancing and supporting open education activities (both OER and open pedagogy) and coordinating library services for distance and online learners. Her work with online learners over the past 20 years and her desire to ensure that education is more inclusive and accessible to all drew her into the world of open education.

Brian Lamb
Director, Learning Technology and Innovation | Thompson Rivers University
Brian Lamb is Director, Learning Technology and Innovation, Open Learning, Thompson Rivers University. He oversees online course production and learning technology strategy and support. He has spent more than twenty years working with instructors and students to use the open web to promote learning, communication and collaboration. He blogs at https://abject.ca.

Carolyn Ives
Coordinator, Learning and Faculty Development | Thompson Rivers University
Carolyn Ives (she/her/hers) is a Coordinator, Learning and Faculty Development at Thompson Rivers University (TRU). She is a former faculty member in English at MacEwan University and at TRU. She’s also held previous roles as Academic Integrity Officer, Curriculum Planning and Development Coordinator, and Interim Director of the Centre for the Advancement of Faculty Excellence at MacEwan. Her professional interests include curricular integration of sustainability and academic integrity; peer review; outcomes creation and assessment; the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL); and Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR).

Dr. Catharine Dishke Hondzel
Director, Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching | Thompson Rivers University
Dr. Catharine Dishke Hondzel was appointed as the Director of the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at Thompson Rivers University in 2017. She holds a PhD in educational psychology (Western University) and an MA in applied social psychology (Windsor). Her work as an educational developer centres on appreciative faculty development, undergraduate research, experiential learning and the scholarship of teaching and learning. Her teaching experience has been in the discipline of social and educational psychology, including personality, health, adult education and research methods.

Marie Bartlett
Instructional Designer | Thompson Rivers University
As an Instructional Designer at Thompson Rivers University—Open Learning, Marie is dedicated to creating educational experiences that inspire and engage learners. She looks for opportunities to highlight active learning and creativity in her course design, and uses innovative pedagogical approaches to best utilize online environments for learning and teaching.